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3D Modelling

I offer the following 3D Models for your Games.
At the moment i can offer:

  • 3D Furniture Models
    • Furniture (Sofas, Desks, Chairs)
    • Doors
    • Windows
    • and many more….

All Models can be delivered PBR Ready / AR Ready.
All models will be created with realistic Textures.

The delivery format will be *.fbx or *.obj or *.dae
All Textures will be delivered in *.png based on the Roughness Unity Setup

  • Diffuse/Albedo
  • Normal
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Metallic
  • Roughness

How it works

You need to provide enough information about the model, like measurements and reference images. In about 2-3 working days you’ll get your 3D Model by Mail or a G-Drive Link to download it.

How can i assure that? I have a network of ~25 modeller working around the clock all over the world. I brief them and they deliver.


Payment and Pricing

Payment has to be done in advance by PayPal. Once the payment arrived, me or one of modeler is starting the work. If you need an invoice, i send it using PayPal, so you can use it to pay directly.


Simple Model (Desks, Sideboards): 99€ + 19% Tax (Germany)
= 117,81€

Medium Model:(Simple Sofas): 135€ + 19%Tax (Germany)
= 160,65€

Complex Models: (High Amount / Density): 159€ + 19% Tax (Germany)
= 189,21€

OctoMan Games
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