Crono Trigger Inventory

Want to save time? Don’t like to watch the complete series or want to start later? No problem! Select the package you want to start at!

Unity Version: 5.6.2


This packages contain everthing i create in the video series about the Crono Trigger Inventory which i provide for free from time to time on youtube. If you want to save time you can purchase a corresponding package, where you want to start in. Or just later on purchase the complete package.

Package Video 1-3
In the first 2 Videos we create the basic user interface for our inventory . In part 3 we start coding the first Inputs for the Players.

Package Video 1-7
Everything we have done so far in video 1-3 is inside the package. We have some items already, can see them inside the inventory and navigatethrough it and there is a swap items functionality.
