Swimming Discus for your Aquarium? here you can get it. Also includes schooling/flocking system.
Requires Unity Version 5.5
Screenshots & Animations

Swimming Discus for your Aquarium? here you can get it. Also includes schooling/flocking system.
Requires Unity Version 5.5
Did you ever wanted a chattering teeth as a monster, enemy or just as an environment filler?
Here you can get it! This is one of that wind up toys, you may came across in your childhood, youth or even now and then.
Requires Unity Version 5.3
★ 9 Animations included
★ uses Multi Materials only
★ No UV Maps! = Not Mobile Optimised!
★ 3 Different Eye Types
★ custmizable Look by Material & Forms
★ Dracula Add On Teeth
★ Pre-created Prefabs
Animation List:
★ Howl
★ Quick Bite
★ Triple Bite
★ Walk 1
★ Chattering 1
★ Chattering 2
★ Walk 2
★ Dead 1
★ Dead 2
Setup Video
On site shop: Here
CG Trader: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character/other/chattering-teeth-chomper
This is a Four Winged Space Enemy. This model is designed to be an Enemy for Games like Space/ Top Down/ Rail Shooter.
It can also be used for ANY other game type like for Jump ‘n Runs and so on.
For Shots you could use a Copy/Prefab of ShotSpot01 or just use anthing you like.
Just add ShotPoints for it or use the ShotSpot01 or anything you like.
There are 2 Models: unmodified and modified for the Demo Scene.
The modified already have events in the animations Tab & all animations are set.
This Script changes 2 Colors after a given amount of time(resetTime) in seconds.
In the Demeo Scene it is set to Weakpoint001-004, Shotspot01 and Engine01 of the model Enemy001.
You can always change the colors as you like to. Same with the resetTime. So the can swap faster or slower.
There are 4 Animations in the Model:
Rotate Left
Rotate Right
Preview #01
Preview #02
★ Polys: 1260 / Tris: 2500
★ Animations: Idle, Shoot, Rotate Left, Rotate Right
★ Texture: TGA – 2k
★ Script: Weakpoint Color Change.
★ Now working with mechanim.
CG Trader Link: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/aircraft/other/animated-four-winged-space-enemy
Unity Version: 5.3
Simple Quest Manager is an easy to setup and quick solution to create your own quests for your games in minutes.
★ Create your quests directly in the Inspector
★ No coding required
★ Quests can be taken and completed by differend NPC’s
★ You can create Chain Quests (unlock quests by completing others)
★ Currently only 1 Questobjective supported
★ You can save/load all Quests and their states at any point you want.
★ QuestObjectives are updated with just one line of code.
★ Rewards need to be setup on your own, depending on your systems like inventory/exp/currency
★ 1 Demo Scene (see Image above)
3d Models included:
★ 1 Low Poly Chara (walk and idle) 1 LowPoly NPC (wink anim)
★ 1 Low Poly Tree
★ 1 Low Poly Barn
★ 1 Low Poly Fence
★ 1 Low Poly Key
Just 6 Scripts are driving the complete System.
Demo Video
Setup Guide
coming soon….
coming soon….
Shop Link: Get it here!
This is a rigged and animated hydraulic excavator with a rather low polycount. All important pieces are UV-Mapped, some just use materials, like cables, hydraulic pipes. Also i added 2 basics scripts to steer the excavator.
★ 11649 polys
★ Rigged & Pre-animated
★ Basic Script for Movement & Working
★ Diffuse + Normal Map 4096px
★ 5 Animations
★ Uses Mechanim
★ already working Prefab
★ BigArm Open/Close
★ SmallArm Open/Close
★ Shovel Open/Close
★ Rotate Top 360°
★ Door Open/Close
All cables are rigged and baked into the existing animations.
The model used 5 different materials, because not all elements are unwrapped! If needed i unwrap needed pieces too.
The scripts provide:
★ Working Mode / Driving Mode (Button TAB)
★ Open / Close Door (F Button)
In Drive Mode:
★ Turn Left Forward / Backwards(Q & A Buttons)
In Working Mode:
★ Big Arm Up / Down (W & S Button)
★ Small Arm Up / Down (Arrow Up / Down)
★ Shovel Up / Down (Arrow Left / Right)
★ Rotate Upper Part (A & D Buttons)
Those scripts are not smoothly optimised, just a base to begin with!
Unity Forum: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/3d-model-hydraulic-excavator-ec-180-wip.424785/
Color Switcher is a small script written in C#.
Color Switcher will switch or fade through as many main colors of GameObject/ 3D-Models as you like with a given interval between the colors. Color Switcher has a Editor Script which makes it easier to handle all inputs. You can enable several Color Switcher at the save time for syncing them in runtime. You can reverse the order depending on the Element you start.
Color Switcher will loop through all given colors until you stop it. For Example it starts at Color 1 , goes through all following and once completed it starts again at Color 1. Ping Pong will send it back and forth instead of looping.
The current color of the GameObject can also be used as the first color, no mater what you placed in it.
To create some randomness you can use the same setup everywhere, but on some you can begin with another element(Color) . More randomness with the same color sheme / setup can be achieved with ping pong and / or reverse.
If there is a Texture Map on your GameObject, Color Switcher will still work, and will tint it with the colors you set. The texture itself will not be changed. If the colors are to dark, you will not notice any change, because black for example is the darkest color already and can’t be red tinted.
★ Uses RGB Color Palette
★ Easy and quick to setup
★ Choose as much colors as you like
★ Set an Interval (time between the colors to switch in seconds)
★ Works on Multi-Materials(Map dependant)
★ Reversed (switch backwards)
★ PingPong
★ Fading (can fade between colors)
The Package contains a manual pdf and a Demo-Scene. Please watch the videos to see how it works.
Police / Firetruck sirens
Working site signs & street arrows
Weakpoints of enemies – Four Winged Space Enemy
Christmas lights
and so on….
Unity Forum: Link
Unity Asset Store Link: http://u3d.as/aGc
Price: $5
Also known under the name “Amphiprion Ocellaris” or “false Clown Fish” is a tropical marine fish found in parts of Asia and Australia. The Clown Fish lives in salty water, so don’t mix em with the wrong fish.
This model consists of only 350 Polygons. The Clown Fish is fully rigged, with the exception of the dorsal fins. Currently there is only one swimming animation. If you need more animations, please ask. You are free to create your own animation and use those.
Furthermore this package has a schooling / flocking system. This means that the Clown Fish, with 2 supplied scripts, has the ability to form flocks, to join swarms and avoid other fish. In addition, he always swims away from other collision objects once it encounters them.
Following *.GIF is 5MB. Please let it load for a small preview.
★ 350 Polys
★ Diffuse + Normal Map 2048px
★ Fully Rigged except dorsal fin
★ Schooling / Flocking Scripts
★ Fully Rigged except dorsal fins
★ 1 Swim Animation
★ Uses Mechanim
★ 2 Scripts needed for schooling
★ 1 Aquarium Tank Prefab (made in Unity)
This 3D model can be purchased for only 8$ in the Unity Asset Store.
More Infos about this Model here: https://www.octomangames.com/unity-assets/maron-v1/
Unity Asset Store Link here: http://u3d.as/9mi
Maron V1 is designed to be an Enemy for Games like RPG’s, CCG’s, Platformer.
It can also be used for ANY other game type like for Shooter and so on.
But it also could be your main character.
There are 3 2k Diffuse Color Maps (*.TGA). Skin , Blue and Green Color.
As Material use a Specular Material, since there is specularity on the glasses.
(expamle: Bumped Specular)
There are currenly 10 Animations in the Model. More might come later on.
get hit left:
get hit right:
get hit top:
get hit bottom:
dizzy right:
dizzy left:
Animation Type: Generic
Avatar definition: Create from this Model
Root Node: Point001
Add an Animator Component on Maron (or use the Mecanim) and use them however you need/like to.
none yet
none yet
Price: $8
Unity Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/21950
Level Manager Plus is the advanced version of Level Manager. This version supports alot by purchasers requested features. Level Manager Plus is easy to setup, requires no coding (except you want to add more features) and works with Unity 4.6+. It is written in C#.
So Level Manager Plus is:
a Level Selector which creates Levelbuttons & WorldButtons dynamicly created from prefabs to load your game levels and switch beteeen worlds. It makes use of the new Unity UI Canvas System.
The package contains a DemoScene and 7 Level Scenes for 2 different worlds to test around. World 1 has 2 Levels, World 2 has 5 Levels.
a Level Unlocker which unlocks new levels after saving, so the next level will be unlocked. If a worlds last level has been completed and saved, it will unlock the next worlds first level. If there is none, it will just save the score.
It uses PlayerPrefs to save scores and the next level to be unlocked.
a Level Saver since it provides a dynamic save system for score, and levels to be unlocked.
You are able to choose any kind of layout group in Level Manager Plus. So you can use the Horizontal Layout Group, the Vertical Layout Group and as seen in the screenshot below, the Grid Layout Group.
The package contains a DemoScene and 7 Level Scenes for 2 different worlds. World 1 has 2 Levels, World 2 has 5 Levels.
Make sure you read the whole setup guide. Anything unclear? Write me a mail or use the Contact Form.
★ World Integration (*New*)
★ Supports Images on Buttons (*New*)
★ Levelnumbers are set automatically set (*New*)
★ Worlds and Levels can be named (*New*)
★ Free Lock & Worldsymbol Grafics (*New*)
★ The Saver now can use the name of any LevelManager Scene (*New*)
★ Easy Save Game Delete using a bool. (for debug purposes) (*New*)
★ Shows the last Worlds LevelSelect Panel after finishing a Level (*New*)
★ Easy to setup
★ works in 4.6+ (new UI)
★ coded to work in 5.3 (SceneManager)
★ integrated star system
★ integrated dynamic save & load system
★ Free 9-Sliced PSD for Panels and Backgrounds
Have you purchased Level Manager already?
If so, you can upgrade to Level Manager Plus for 10$ in the Unity Asset Store!
Neon Tetra is a very popular aquarium fish, which is well suited for underwater scenes, especially in clear water.
This 3D model consists of only 284 polygons. Neon Tetra is fully rigged, with the exception of the dorsal fin. Currently there is only one swimming animation. If you need more animations, please ask. You are free to create your own animation and use those.
Furthermore this package has a schooling / flocking system. This means that the Neon Tetra with 2 supplied scripts has the ability to form flocks, to join swarms and avoid other fish. In addition, he always swims away from other collision objects once it encounters them.
Following *.GIF is 3MB. Please let it load for a small preview.
★ 284 polys
★ Fully Rigged except dorsal fin
★ Schooling / Flocking Scripts
★ Diffuse + Specular Map 2048px
★ 1 Swim Animation
★ Uses Mechanim
★ 1 Aquarium Tank Prefab (made in Unity)
Unity Asset Store Link: http://u3d.as/sQh
Price: $10
This package contains 4 prefabs of bubbles which are created with the Unity Shuriken Particle System. It can be used in scenes as filler objects or used as shots.
1.) A mix of bubbles small & big with X and Y-Axis bubble Motion.
2.) Normal Bubbles which also have the Bubble Motion on it, and also have Bubble Burst in it. The Burst will use the same texture.
3.) And a simple 3D Caldron with green tinted bubbles coming out of it. The Caldron is UVW mapped and textured. The *.PSD for the texture is in there too, so you can change the colors to your needs, or even add more details.
4.) A cone stream of Bubbles, for holes in the ground or such.
It contains the original *.SVG file of the Bubble. There are already 2 texture types exported. The Alpha Blended and the Additive In the Textures Folder.
none yet…
Unity Asset Store Link: Bubbles