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Unity Asset: Four Winged Space Enemy

four winged space enemy unity asset octoman iconThis is a Four Winged Space Enemy. This model is designed to be an Enemy for Games like Space/ Top Down/ Rail Shooter.
It can also be used for ANY other game type like for Jump ‘n Runs and so on.



four winged space enemy unity asset octoman 01

3D Model – Four Winged Space Enemy:

For Shots you could use a Copy/Prefab of ShotSpot01 or just use anthing you like.
Just add ShotPoints for it or use the ShotSpot01 or anything you like.

There are 2 Models: unmodified and modified for the Demo Scene.
The modified already have events in the animations Tab & all animations are set.

Script: ChangeColorOrangeRed:

This Script changes 2 Colors after a given amount of time(resetTime) in seconds.
In the Demeo Scene it is set to Weakpoint001-004, Shotspot01 and Engine01 of the model Enemy001.
You can always change the colors as you like to. Same with the resetTime. So the can swap faster or slower.


There are 4 Animations in the Model:

Rotate Left
Rotate Right


four winged space enemy unity asset octoman 04 four winged space enemy unity asset octoman 05

unity assets color switcher four winged space enemy switch octoman

Live Demo:


Preview #01

Preview #02


★ Polys: 1260 / Tris: 2500
★ Animations: Idle, Shoot, Rotate Left, Rotate Right
★ Texture: TGA – 2k

★ Script: Weakpoint Color Change.
★ Now working with mechanim.


CG Trader Link: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/aircraft/other/animated-four-winged-space-enemy

Buy here:

Unity Version: 5.3



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